Wednesday, September 26, 2012

God Gew Tired of Us

Today in class we got our tests back.  I made a very stupid mistake on one of the questions.  It was a math problem and I copied the numbers wrong!  I made 2 more mistakes because I didn’t specify what I meant by economy and government as push factors.  I did get some questions right though!  We also finally started watching the movie God Grew Tired of Us.  The part that we got to see was very sad.  So many people had to starve because of the war in Sudan.  Little children got killed for no good reason during the war.  People were trying to flee their towns.  If they got out, they were too scared to ever go back.  The children that made it out of Sudan went to a safe place.  They had to create make-shift families though.  Most families had one older child taking care of a bunch of younger children.  I don’t know how they survived!

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