Thursday, September 13, 2012

Did You Know 3.0?

Today in class we didn’t do much.  Mr. Schick was at least five minutes late, and when he finally got there hardly anybody could access their blogs.  After we found out who could access their blogs and who couldn’t, we paired up so we could finish answering the CIA Factbook questions.  The people that couldn’t get on their blogs have to write about class anyway, even though they can’t submit their blog to Blogger.  As usual, someone gave an answer and that took us into a very long and interesting conversation.  Sometimes, the conversations don’t have anything to do with the topic we were talking about before, but today they did.   During the last two minutes of class we started watching a video called Did You Know 3.0.  Surprisingly, I didn’t say very much today.  I guess I was so tired that I didn’t feel like being annoying.  I am so happy that I have Human Geo first tomorrow!  It’ll wake me up and get me pumped up for the rest of the day!

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