Monday, October 8, 2012


Today in class, we got our tests back.  I didn’t do too badly.  After we went over the answers to the questions on the test, we started talking about Christopher Columbus.  Mr. Schick split the class up into tree different groups.  One group has to research Columbus.  Another group has to research the Native Americans.  The group I am in has to research the Vikings.  Once we split up into groups, the girls on the volleyball team had to leave for their game.  We have to answer the questions that are on Mr. Schick’s blog.  After we answer the questions, we have to put them into a Power Point using Google.  My group spent most of the class trying to figure out how to give everybody in the group access to the presentation.  We still haven’t gotten everybody on yet!  I think we are going to work on the presentation again tomorrow because we didn’t have that much time today.

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