Wednesday, October 10, 2012

No Presentation

Today in class, I had a really bad headache so I didn’t say very much at all.  We presented the slide shows on Christopher Columbus, Native Americans, and Vikings.  My group, the Vikings, didn’t have a presentation because we couldn’t get the email to work and Ellie’s computer broke so no one could work on it.  We ended up presenting someone from another class’s slide show just so we could give our class information about the Vikings.  When Andrew and Matt went up to present for our group, Andrew kept talking like a robot because he was reading directly from the screen.  I was very afraid that my group is not going to get a good grade because we didn’t have a presentation.  It didn’t help the Mr. Schick kept saying at least other groups did what they were supposed to do.  I wasn’t our fault that we couldn’t access the project!  I email didn’t work!

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