Thursday, October 11, 2012

My Birthday!

Today is my birthday!  In class I got to wear the birthday hat.  It was so embarrassing.  After that was over, Caroline went in the hallway to take a test that she missed and she took John’s desk.  John had to sit in Caroline’s seat and I was the only girl in that row.  Then Kishan told me that I’m not a girl!  After that, we started to watch a power point that Mr. Schick made.  The first slide had a map of the United States.  That map showed what percentage of people called soft drinks soda, pop, coke, or something else.  The next slide talked about cultures and somehow we started talking about how some people hate that there are a lot of people that speak Spanish.  Mr. Schick told us a story about a guy that was trying to get on his voicemail and he had to listen to Spanish before he could get to his messages.  It was really funny!

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