Friday, October 26, 2012

World Leaders

Federal Republic
President Enrique Pena Nieto

Communist Type
President Hu Jintao

Federal Republic
President Pranab Mukherjee

Islam Republic
President Hamad Karzai

Theocratic Republic
Supreme Leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Parliamentary Democracy
President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Bejamin Netanyahu

Federal Republic
Chancellor Angela Merkel

United Kingdom
Constitutional Monarchy and Commonwealth Realm
Prime Minister David Cameron

 United Kingdom
 Constitutional Monarchy and Commonwealth Realm
 Queen Elizabeth II

President Francois Hollande

Federal Republic
President Dilma Rousseff
Federal Republic
President Hugo Chavez
Saudia Arabia
King and Prime Minister ABDALLAH bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud


Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Very Hard Test Questions

1.       What is the holy book of the Jews?

Answer: The Old Testament

2.       What is the biggest religion?

Answer: Christianity

3.       What is one of the main causes of war?

Answer: Religion

4.       What year did Columbus come to America?

Answer: 1492

5.       Who were the first people to come to America?

Answer: The Vikings

Thursday, October 18, 2012

So Far Away...

Today in class, we had Kishan talk to us about Hinduism.  The information he gave us is way different then the information Mr. Schick found online.  We finished learning about Christianity.  We also learned about Islam.  In not sure if we are done learning about Hinduism because Kishan had to leave for football.  Mr. Schick did say that we were going to start Judaism tomorrow.  At the beginning of class we found out some very sad news.  Because we are off on Monday and we don’t have class on Tuesday, we have a test on Wednesday.  It seems like it is a long time from today, but it really isn’t.  For some reason, this year, the school days have gone by a lot faster than they did in the past.  I have no idea how we are going to cover everything that we need to know for the test on Wednesday in one class.  I love having Human Geo first, it’s so much fun!

Monday, October 15, 2012


Today, I learned the difference between Christianity and Catholicism.  Apparently Christianity is broader than Catholicism.  We also learned about Saul/Paul and how God got him to change who he was.  I found out that the Jewish people only believe in the Old Testament of the Bible and Catholics believe in the New Testament.  After that, we continued watching the power point Mr. Schick made for us.  We learned about ethnic heritage and religion.  In Sudan, there was a civil war because people disagreed about religious topics.  That is why Sudan and South Sudan are separate countries now.  We had to take notes today.  I hate taking notes because it’s very boring and you have to write!  We actually were allowed to have our computers out while we were taking notes today.  It was very hard to pay attention with my computer in front of me, but I managed to pay attention.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Catholicism is one of the biggest religions because it has around 2,000-2,200 million followers.  Most of these followers are located in Russia, Australia, both Americas, and Europe.  It was founded in the year 33 A.D. in Jerusalem.  This is a monotheistic religion and the central figure is God.  The holy book is The Holy Bible.

Islam is another big religion.  It has about 1,570-1,650 million followers.  Most of these people are located in the Middle East and Africa.  The holy book is called The Qur’an.  It was founded in the year 610 A.D. in Saudi Arabia.  This religion is monotheistic and the central figure is Allah.

Buddhism was founded in the year 460 B.C. in India and has around 400-500 million followers.  This religion is very popular in Tibet.  The central figure is Buddha and it is a polytheistic religion.  The holy book is The Tripitaka.

Hinduism was founded in 1500-500 B.C. in Ancient India.  It has 828-1,000 million followers and most of them are in India.  There is more than one holy book for the Hindus.  Two of them are The Vedas and The Upanishads.  The central figure of Hinduism is Krishna and it is both a polytheistic and monotheistic religion.

Judaism was founded in Israel around 2000 B.C.  The central figures are Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and it is a monotheistic religion.  It has around 14-18 million followers.  Most of these followers are located in Israel.  But some are located in Europe, Asia, and both Americas.  The holy book is The Hebrew Bible. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012

My Birthday!

Today is my birthday!  In class I got to wear the birthday hat.  It was so embarrassing.  After that was over, Caroline went in the hallway to take a test that she missed and she took John’s desk.  John had to sit in Caroline’s seat and I was the only girl in that row.  Then Kishan told me that I’m not a girl!  After that, we started to watch a power point that Mr. Schick made.  The first slide had a map of the United States.  That map showed what percentage of people called soft drinks soda, pop, coke, or something else.  The next slide talked about cultures and somehow we started talking about how some people hate that there are a lot of people that speak Spanish.  Mr. Schick told us a story about a guy that was trying to get on his voicemail and he had to listen to Spanish before he could get to his messages.  It was really funny!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

No Presentation

Today in class, I had a really bad headache so I didn’t say very much at all.  We presented the slide shows on Christopher Columbus, Native Americans, and Vikings.  My group, the Vikings, didn’t have a presentation because we couldn’t get the email to work and Ellie’s computer broke so no one could work on it.  We ended up presenting someone from another class’s slide show just so we could give our class information about the Vikings.  When Andrew and Matt went up to present for our group, Andrew kept talking like a robot because he was reading directly from the screen.  I was very afraid that my group is not going to get a good grade because we didn’t have a presentation.  It didn’t help the Mr. Schick kept saying at least other groups did what they were supposed to do.  I wasn’t our fault that we couldn’t access the project!  I email didn’t work!

Monday, October 8, 2012


Today in class, we got our tests back.  I didn’t do too badly.  After we went over the answers to the questions on the test, we started talking about Christopher Columbus.  Mr. Schick split the class up into tree different groups.  One group has to research Columbus.  Another group has to research the Native Americans.  The group I am in has to research the Vikings.  Once we split up into groups, the girls on the volleyball team had to leave for their game.  We have to answer the questions that are on Mr. Schick’s blog.  After we answer the questions, we have to put them into a Power Point using Google.  My group spent most of the class trying to figure out how to give everybody in the group access to the presentation.  We still haven’t gotten everybody on yet!  I think we are going to work on the presentation again tomorrow because we didn’t have that much time today.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Strange Traditions

Yesterday’s class started out very boring.  We took a test on the movie God Grew Tired of Us.  It was fairly easy, especially since we got to use the notes on our blogs.  After everybody handed in their tests, we had to go online and look up unusual cultures.  One group found a video that showed people in India throwing babies off of a tower and onto a mat.  Another culture has camel wrestling.  In Germany, people smash dishes, toilets, and other ceramics and then make the bride and groom clean everything up to show that they will be able to work together.  The people in Spain have a very amusing Christmas tradition.  In their nativity scenes, they hide figurines of people defecating for their friends and families to try to find.  Another tradition in Spain is called the Day of Geese.  The man that rips the head of the goose gets to keep the goose and win a woman. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Computer Addictions

                The beginning of class was very interesting.  Ellie couldn’t stop laughing again!  Nobody really knew what she was laughing at.  We were actually very quiet today.  I think it’s because we had our computers in front of us.  According to Mr. Schick, we were sucked in by our computer screens.   He told us that every person had their mouth open and was looking at their screen.   At one point, Mr. Schick thought the whole side of the room was looking at Damian’s computer.  He then stood next to Damian’s desk until he looked up.  One person said that “Toms” donates a pair of shoes to another country for every pair of shoes that is bought by someone.  Somebody brought up the idea that we could sell bracelets. Then, on a designated day, who ever bought a bracelet would get to dress out of uniform as long as they wear their bracelet.  I really like this idea!

My Internet Wasn't Working

Today’s class was very different!  It was actually pretty quiet for a change.  We got to class late because of a freshman class meeting.  When we finally started class, we got to get into groups and look up foundations’ websites to give us ideas on how we can help Southern Sudan.  I worked with Adrianna.  I thought it was really cool how the whole class worked on the same document.  It was awesome to be able to see what everybody else was typing.  I think our class did really well not editing other group’s work.  I didn’t really talk at all today.  It was really hard finding websites that other groups didn’t already find.  I kept scaring Adrianna because I was deleting all of the work that she had done.  Eventually, when I couldn’t stop laughing, she figured out that it was me deleting the work and she started laughing too.  Then, she made me retype everything!  It was really funny!  I hope we do something more fun tomorrow!

Monday, October 1, 2012

End of the Movie

Today in class, we finished the movie called God Grew Tired of Us.  When John was reunited with his mother and who we think is his sister, I almost cried!  The whole class started laughing when the mother started jumping and singing.  Panther finally earned enough money to go back to Sudan to marry his “girl.”  When he went back, he also reunited with his mother and brother.  Daniel never found out anything about his family.  John eventually went back to Sudan to start a medical clinic.  He also got his Bachelors’ degree and started an organization.  At the end of class, we started discussing what we could do to help Sudan.  I think that we could raise money and collect items to send over.  This would give some people a little bit of what they need.  We could send over food, medicines, and water purification tablets.  If the people in Sudan had clean water, there would be less sickness.