Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Message to Garcia

        Before class even started, we had a little bit of confusion.  When we got to room 126, the lights were off, the door was closed, and Mr. Schick was not there.  When Mr. Schick finally got there and took role, he read us a story called A Message to Garcia. It is about a man being asked to go find Garcia and deliver a message to him.  He had to travel through the woods until he finally found Garcia.  When he did his job, he did it without any questions being asked.  It basically told us that not a lot of people do what they are asked to do without a million questions before-hand.  After that, we started talking about the phrase “survival of the fittest.”  Somehow, we ended up talking about why Mr. Schick wouldn’t be able to survive in the wilderness.  Today was the first day that we had to take notes.  At the very end of class, we were given our homework assignment.  That is why I am writing this blog.

Arête- A thin, knife-like rock that separates two valleys

Polis- A Greek word that means city or citizenship

 Socrates- A Greek philosopher that lived from 469 B.C. - 399 B.C.

The Death of Socrates- Socrates was sentenced to death, by drinking hemlock, because of his ideas that Athens was corrupting the minds of children

The Socratic Method- A form of debate between two people that have different opinions

508 B.C. – The city-state of Athens was formed

Agora- A main spot in ancient Greek city-states; means gathering place or assembly

What the ancient Greeks meant if they called you an idiot- It meant that you were a private person.

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