Thursday, December 13, 2012

Exam Review

This is the first blog I've done in over a long time and I don’t know why!  Anyway, today in class, we started reviewing for the exam.  I kept raising my hand because I knew the answer, but Mr. Schick wouldn't call on me!  He looked at me and called on the person that was next to me.  I got really mad!  We were reviewing stuff from the beginning of the year and I totally forgot we learned that stuff.  When Cole started talking about it, I immediately remembered.  It was really strange.  I didn't talk much in class today.  This happens very rarely!  For some reason, I haven’t been myself lately.  Some of the class I was freaking out because after the class after Human Geo (if that makes any sense), I had to audition for Aladdin and I was really scared!  Mr. Schick told us that we have to use our blogs to study for the exam on Monday.  I think I’m in pretty big trouble because I don’t think that my blogs are that great.

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