Thursday, December 13, 2012

Exam Review

This is the first blog I've done in over a long time and I don’t know why!  Anyway, today in class, we started reviewing for the exam.  I kept raising my hand because I knew the answer, but Mr. Schick wouldn't call on me!  He looked at me and called on the person that was next to me.  I got really mad!  We were reviewing stuff from the beginning of the year and I totally forgot we learned that stuff.  When Cole started talking about it, I immediately remembered.  It was really strange.  I didn't talk much in class today.  This happens very rarely!  For some reason, I haven’t been myself lately.  Some of the class I was freaking out because after the class after Human Geo (if that makes any sense), I had to audition for Aladdin and I was really scared!  Mr. Schick told us that we have to use our blogs to study for the exam on Monday.  I think I’m in pretty big trouble because I don’t think that my blogs are that great.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Capitalism- an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations, especially as contrasted to cooperatively or state-owned means of wealth.

Communism- a theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state.

Free Enterprise-an economic and political doctrine holding that a capitalist economy can regulate itself in a freely competitive market through the relationship of supply and demand with a minimum of governmental intervention and regulation.

Free Market- an economic system in which prices and wages are determined by unrestricted competition between businesses, without government regulation or fear of monopolies.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Mexico gained its independence on September 15, 1810 by the Mexican War of Independence.  The Mexican War of Independence was a conflict that started on September 16, 1810.  It was between the Spanish authorities and the people of Mexico.  The war was led by Mexican-born Spaniard, Mestizos and American Indians who wanted independence from Spain.

India declared its independence on August 19, 1947.  This was right after World War II.  Before it was independent, it was ruled by the British Empire.  At one point people said that the sun couldn’t set on the British Empire because it was so large.

Afghanistan gained independence from the United Kingdom on August 19, 1919.  Before it was independent, it was a commonwealth to the United Kingdom.  In early 1747, the tribes of early Afghanistan were founded.

Iran declared independence on April 1, 1979.  Before it was independent, it was part of a tyrant’s region.  Until 1935, when Iran became an Islamic republic, it was known as Persia.

Germany declared independence on January 18, 1871.  It was never part of another country, but problems in Europe cause Germany to be part of two World Wars in the twentieth century.
The United Kingdom has never belonged to another country.  However, it has taken over several other countries. 

France declared its independence in the year 486 A.D. when it no longer had a king.  There was never another country that ruled them.  The only thing that had control over France was its king. 

Brazil claimed independence from Portugal in September 1822.  Portugal ruled Brazil for over three centuries.  There was constant fighting during that time, along with slavery and rebelliousness.

Venezuela gained independence from Spain on July 5, 1811.  It is one of the three countries that developed from the collapse of Colombia in 1830.  During most of the twentieth century, Venezuela was ruled by military.

Saudi Arabia was never ruled by another country.  The Independence Day, on September 23, 1932, is called “Unification of the Kingdom.”   This day is when the kingdom was created.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Beach Ball

Yesterday, I forgot to put two facts about our reelected president, Barack Obama.  The biggest fact about him is that he is the first black president of the United States.  He is also the first black president to serve two terms in office.  Another thing about him is that he graduated from Harvard Law School.  Today in class, we finished going over the world leaders and interesting facts about them.  We also had two shadows in class with us.  At one point Mr. Schick got out a beach ball globe and he threw it at people.  The first person he threw it at was Sean and after that he kept throwing it at people.  Every time a person said something about a world leader, they had to find the country that they are in charge of on the beach ball globe.  I think Mr. Schick said something about a test tomorrow, but I think he was kidding.  If he wasn’t, I’m probably not going to very well on it.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Today in class we didn’t do much.  We got our quizzes back that we took on Monday.  Thankfully I wasn’t the only person that didn’t get a perfect score on it.  After that, we went over our blogs from Monday.  We had to find two interesting facts about all of the world leader that we had a quiz on.  I had a lot of trouble saying one of the names.  It was the guy from Saudi Arabia.  The only reason he has power is because his brother died.  He also has thirteen wives.  From those thirteen wives, he has fathered about thirty-five children.  I don’t remember what else we did in class because it was like second mod and that was a long time ago.

Monday, November 5, 2012

World Leader Facts

Enrique Pena Nieto

·         a member of the Institutional Revolutionary Party

·         the former governor of the State of Mexico from 2005 to 2011

President Hu Jintao

·         He has held the titles of General Secretary of the Communist Party of China since 2002

·         President of the People's Republic of China since 2003

President Pranab Mukherjee

·         a senior leader of the Indian National Congress

·         Congress party's top troubleshooter

President Hamad Karzai

·         served a six month term as Chairman of the Interim Administration

·         chosen for a two year term as Interim President during the 2002 loya Jirga

Supreme Leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

·         an engineer and teacher from a poor background

·         Tehran's council elected him mayor in 2003

Benjamin Netanyahu

·         the first Israeli prime minister born in Israel after the founding of the state

·         became a team leader in the Sayeret Matkal special forces unit

Chancellor Angela Merkel

·         physical chemist by professional background

·         played a central role in the negotiation of the Treaty of Lisbon and the Berlin Declaration

Prime Minister David Cameron

·         joined the Conservative Research Department and became Special Adviser to Norman Lamont

·         became the youngest British Prime Minister since the Earl of Liverpool

President Francois Hollande

·         First secretary of the socialist party

·         employed as a counselor in the Court of Audit

President Dilma Rousseff

·         first woman to hold the office

·         raised in an upper middle class household in Belo Horizonte

President Hugo Chavez

·         held the position since 1999

·         born into a working-class family in Sabaneta, Barinas

King and Prime Minister ABDALLAH bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud

·         ascended to the throne upon the death of his half-brother

·         sixth king of Saudi Arabia

Friday, October 26, 2012

World Leaders

Federal Republic
President Enrique Pena Nieto

Communist Type
President Hu Jintao

Federal Republic
President Pranab Mukherjee

Islam Republic
President Hamad Karzai

Theocratic Republic
Supreme Leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Parliamentary Democracy
President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Bejamin Netanyahu

Federal Republic
Chancellor Angela Merkel

United Kingdom
Constitutional Monarchy and Commonwealth Realm
Prime Minister David Cameron

 United Kingdom
 Constitutional Monarchy and Commonwealth Realm
 Queen Elizabeth II

President Francois Hollande

Federal Republic
President Dilma Rousseff
Federal Republic
President Hugo Chavez
Saudia Arabia
King and Prime Minister ABDALLAH bin Abd al-Aziz Al Saud